Love Your Linens Part 5: Myth Busting

As our final look at how you can show a little more love to extend the life of your linens, we’re separating the fact from fiction by delving into five common linen care myths and busting them wide open!

Myth 1: All bed linen can be processed in the same way.


Different constructions require very different handling to achieve the optimum results. Higher thread count bed linens perform better on the ironer when damp, and (just as importantly) the tamping pressure on the press needs to be set at a lower bar pressure. Standard construction allows for water to pass through at much higher pressure more quickly, and in one press, whereas higher thread counts require a staged process.

Myth 2: Bigger machines are always best


While larger continuous batch washers (CBW) can indeed get through a ton of work at an impressive pace, washer extractors do still have their place. The age old mechanical action generated by smaller washer/ extractors creates more agitation and are therefore arguably better for stain release performance.

Myth 3: The most important measure is Pieces Per Operating Hour (PPOH)


While it may be tempting to turn around as much linen as possible to chase revenue, work your resource too hard and the cracks will start to show. Whether it’s a reduction in quality, rise in customers complaints or fall in staff morale, speedy processing will always have its cost. It’s better to slow down a little and have to calendar less for higher satisfaction all round.

Myth 4: It’s always better to underload your dryers


Both overloading and underloading your tumble dryers each have their own costs. Too full and the linen doesn’t have enough room to move freely or for the air to circulate, too empty and you’ll be wasting precious energy.  Always load your linen efficiently to achieve optimum results.

Myth 5: Success is determined by the amount of profit you make


Of course you’re in business to make money (aren’t we all?). But make sure you don’t lose sight of the bigger picture too.

The success of any laundry, large or small, could arguably be measured by its rewash rates. Reprocessing of work due to fast churn, skipping machinery maintenance or user error, wastes valuable man hours, reduces textile lifespan and ultimately kills profits and customer confidence.

Our advice: Reduce and keep reducing the amount of rewash by working much more closely with your customers. Educate operatives at the hotel and the laundry on the impact of linen use and abuse.

Taking a little extra care when transporting linens to and from the laundries will ensure no additional staining occurs. For example, needlessly dragging linen through mud or concrete will require additional intensive processing, reducing the linen’s life or, worse, send it to be prematurely ragged. After all, guests and diners will add enough stains in general use without adding to them through bad handling practices. A few simple changes in your processes will have a big pay off.

> Discover more ways to Love Your Linen in our special textile care series 

Part 3: Things to avoid

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